Synopsis History of the 3rd Illinois Cavalry

This file was submitted by Jeffrey M. Augustine, 2118 Pickett St.,Springfield, IL 62703 jaugust@EOSINC.COM. On this page you will find:

Military Organization - Service - Sources

Military Organization

 Aug. 27   - Organized and mustered in at Camp Butler, Ill.
 To Jan.   - Attached to the Dept. of the Missouri
 To Feb.   - 3rd Brigade, Army of the Southwest Missouri
 To May    - 2nd Brigade, 4th Division, Army of the Southwest Missouri
 To July   - 2nd Division, Army of the Southwest Missouri
 To Dec.   - District of Eastern Arkansas, Dept. of Missouri
 To Dec.   - 3rd Brigade, Cavalry Division, District of Eastern
 To Jan.   - Unattached, Sherman's Yazoo Expedition
(Regiment split)
 Feb.      - Cos. B, C, F, H, and I ordered to Memphis, Tenn.
 Mar.      - Cos. A, E, G, K, L, and M in operations in Louisiana
 Apr.      - Co. D assigned to General Steele
- Cos. A, E, G, K, L,and M
 To Aug.   - Unattached, 13th Army Corps, Army of the Tennessee, Head-
             quarters of Gen. McClernand and Gen. Osterhaus
- Cos. B, C, F, H, and I
 Mar.-June - 2nd Brigade, 1st Division, 16th Army Corps
 To Aug.   - 1st Brigade, 1st Division, 16th Army Corps
 To 1/1864 - 2nd Brigade, 1st Division, 16th Army Corps
- Co. D
 To July   - At Headquarters 15th Army Corps
 To Dec.   - With Arkansas Expedition
- Other companies
 To Sept.  - Cavalry Brigade, 13th Army Corps, Dept. of the Gulf
 To Dec.   - 2nd Brigade, 13th Army Corps, Dept. of the Gulf
 Jan.      - Regiment reunited
 To Apr.   - 1st Brigade, 1st Division, 16th Army Corps
 To June   - 3rd Brigade, 1st Division, 16th Army Corps
 To July   - 1st Brigade, Cavalry Division, District of West Tennessee
 To Nov.   - 1st Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division, District of West
 To May    - 1st Brigade, 5th Division, Military Division Mississippi
 To Oct.   - Dept. of the Northwest


 Aug. 27        - Organized and mustered in at Camp Butler, Ill.
 Oct. 1-11      - Moved to Jefferson City, Mo. and Warsaw, Mo.
 Oct. 23-Nov. 2 - Fremont's Campaign against Springfield, Mo.
 Nov. 13-19     - Moved to Rolla, Mo.
 To Jan.        - Duty at Rolla, Mo. (1 enlisted man killed)
 Feb. 2-13      - Curtis' advance on Springfield, Mo.
 Feb. 9         - Marshfield, Mo.
 Feb. 14-29     - Pursuit of Price into Arkansas
 Feb. 16        - Pott's Hill, Sugar Creek
 Feb. 17        - Sugar Creek
 Feb. 17        - Bentonville
 Mar. 6-8       - Battle of Pea Ridge (9 enlisted men killed)
                  (Col. Eugene Carr is wounded 4 times and later rece-
                  ives Congressional Medal of Honor for his actions)
 Mar. 15        - Expedition to Fayetteville, Ark.
 Mar. 19        - Lebanon, Mo. (1 enlisted man killed)
 Apr. 5-May 3   - March to Batesville, Ark.
 Apr. 19        - Talbot's Ferry, White River
 Jun. 7         - (Co. L) Fairview, Little Red River
 Jun. 16-17     - Scouts from Batesville
 Jun. 26-July 14- March to Helena, Ark.
 July 14        - Helena, Ark.
 To Dec.        - Duty near Helena, Ark.
 Nov. 16-21     - Expedition to Arkansas Post, Ark.
 Nov. 27-Dec. 5 - Expedition to Grenada, Miss.
 Dec. 3         - Oakland
 Dec. 22-Jan. 3 - Sherman's Yazoo Expedition
 Dec. 26-28     - Chickasaw Bayou
 Dec. 29        - Chickasaw Bluff
 Jan. 3-11      - Expedition to Arkansas Post, Ark.
 Jan. 10-11     - Capture of Fort Hindman, Arkansas Post, Ark.
                  (1 enlisted man killed)
 Jan. 21        - Milliken's Bend
 Jan. 29        - Richmond
 Feb.           - Cos. B, C, F, H, and I ordered to Memphis, Tenn.
 To July        - Co. D to 1st Division, 15th Army Corps
 To Dec         - Co. D with Arkansas Expedition
 To Aug.        - Other companies remained on duty with 13th Army Corps
Cos. A, E, G, K, L, and M
 Mar. 31-Apr. 17- Cos. A and K in operations from Milliken's Bend to
                  New Carthage
 Apr. 5         - Cos. A and K near New Carthage
 Apr. 25-30     - Movement on Bruinsburg and turning Grand Gulf
 May 1          - Battle of Port Gibson
 May 5          - Near Black River (Detachment)
 May 16         - Battle of Champion's Hill
 May 17         - Battle of Big Black River Bridge
                  (1 enlisted man killed)
 May 18-July 4  - Siege of Vicksburg (1 officer, 1 enlisted man killed)
 May 19 & 22    - Assaults on Vicksburg
 June 10        - Edwards' Station
 July 4-10      - Advance on Jackson, Miss.
 July 6         - Edwards' Station
 July 7         - Near Baker's Creek
 July 8         - Bolton's Depot
 July 8         - Near Clinton
 July 9         - Near Jackson
 July 10-17     - Siege of Jackson
 July 18        - Brookhaven
 Aug.           - Moved to New Orleans, La.
 Oct. 3-Nov. 30 - Campaign in western Louisiana, operations in Teche
 Oct. 9-10      - Vermillion Bayou
 Oct. 21        - Opelousas and Barre Landing
 Oct. 24        - Washington
 Nov. 5         - Vermillionville
 Nov. 11        - Carrion Crow Bayou
 Nov. 11        - Vermillionville
 Nov. 20 & 25   - Camp Pratt
 Nov. 25        - Vermillionville
 Mar. 3, 1864   - Near Baton Rouge (Detachment)
 Mar. 3, 1864   - Near Jackson (Detachment)
 Mar. 30, 1864  - Livonia
 Apr. 7, 1864   - Near Port Hudson (Detachment)
 Dec.           - Rejoined regiment near Memphis, Tenn.
Cos. B, C, F, H, and I
 May 15         - Coldwater and Cochran's Cross Roads
 May 21-26      - Expedition from LaGrange, Tenn. to Senatobia, Miss.
 May 23         - Senatobia, Miss.
 June 15-25     - Operations in northwest Mississippi
 July 8         - Scout to Germantown
 Aug. 5         - Mt. Pleasant
 Aug. 12-23     - Expedition from Memphis to Grenada, Miss.
 Aug. 17        - Grenada, Miss.
 Aug. 25-27     - Mt. Pleasant (1 enlisted man killed)
 Sep. 11-16     - Expedition from LaGrange, Tenn. to Toon's Station
 Sep. 16        - Montezuma
 Oct. 4-17      - Operations against Chalmers' in north Mississippi and
                  west Tennessee
 Oct. 6         - Lockhart's Mills
 Oct. 8         - Salem
 Oct. 12        - Ingraham's Mills, near Byhalia
 Oct. 13        - Wyatt's Tallahatchie River
 Nov. 3-5       - Operations on Memphis & Charleston RR
 Nov. 28-Dec. 10- Operations on Memphis & Charleston RR against Lee's
 Dec. 23        - Near Corinth (Detachment)
Co. D
 Apr. 2-14      - Expedition to Greenville, Black Bayou, and Deer Creek
 May 14         - Jackson, Miss.
 May 18-July 4  - Siege of Vicksburg
 May 19 & 22    - Assaults on Vicksburg
 July 4-10      - Advance on Jackson, Miss.
 July 10-17     - Siege of Jackson
 July           - Moved to Helena, Ark.
 Aug. 1-Sep. 10 - Steele's Expedition to Little Rock, Ark.
 Sep. 10        - Bayou Fourche and capture of Little Rock, Ark.
 Jan.           - Regiment reunited and recruitment of new troops
 Feb. 11-26     - Smith's Expedition from Colliersville, Tenn. to
                  Okolona, Miss.
 Feb. 12        - Holly Springs, Miss.
 Feb. 17        - Near Pontotoc
 Feb. 17        - Houlka Springs, Miss., near Houston
 Feb. 18        - Okolona, Miss.
 Feb. 22        - Ivey's Hill, near Okolona, Miss.
                  (2 enlisted men killed)
 Feb. 23        - New Albany
 Feb. 24        - Pontotoc
 Apr. 8         - Port Hudson (1 enlisted man killed)
 May 1          - Byhalia (1 enlisted man killed)
 May 9          - Germantown (1 enlisted man killed)
 June 1-13      - Sturgis' Expedition from Memphis into Mississippi
 June 10        - Battle of Brice's Crossroads
 June 11        - Ripley
 July 1         - Near Holly Springs
 July 5-21      - Smith's Expedition to Tupelo, Miss.
 July 13        - Camargo's Cross Roads near Harrisburg
 July 14-15     - Battle of Tupelo
 July 15        - Old Town Creek
 Aug. 1-30      - Smith's Expedition to Oxford, Miss.
 Aug. 7-9       - Tallahatchie River
 Aug. 9         - Hurricane Creek and Oxford
 Aug. 13-14,19  - Hurricane Creek
 Aug. 14-15     - Scout to Mayfield, Ky. and skirmish (Detachment)
                  (1 enlisted man killed)
 Aug. 21        - Forest's attack on Memphis (Detachment)
                  (2 enlisted men killed)
 Sep. 27        - Moved to Clifton, Tenn.
 Nov. - Dec.    - Operations in Tennessee and Alabama against Hood
 Nov. 9-13      - Expedition from Memphis to Moscow
 Nov. 11        - Shoal Creek, Ala.
 Nov. 16-20     - On line of Shoal Creek, Ala.
 Nov. 28        - Duck River
 Nov. 30        - Battle of Franklin
 Dec. 15-16     - Battle of Nashville (1 enlisted man killed)
 Dec. 17-28     - Pursuit of Hood
 Dec. 17        - West Harpeth River
 Dec. 24        - Richmond Creek
 Dec. 25        - King's or Anthony's Gap, near Pulaski
 To Feb.        - Gravely Springs, Ala.
 To May         - Eastport, Miss.
 May            - Moved to St. Louis, Mo.
 June           - St. Paul, Minn.
 July 4-Oct. 1  - Operations against Indians in Minnesota & Dakota
 Oct. 18        - Mustered out Camp Butler, Ill.

Deaths, Combat     -   1 Officer    24 Enlisted Men
Deaths, Wounds     -                 5 Enlisted Men
Deaths, Prisoner   -                 4 Enlisted Men
Deaths, Non-Combat -   7 Officers  202 Enlisted Men
Total              -   8 Officers  235 Enlisted Men


  1. Dyer, Frederick H., A Compendium of the War of the Rebellion, (Dayton, Ohio: Morningside Press, 1994)
  2. Illinois, Department of Military Affairs, Report of the Adjutant General of the State of Illinois (Springfield, Ill.: Illinois Military and Naval Department, 1887)
  3. King, James T., War Eagle: A Life of General Eugene A. Carr, (Lincoln, Neb.: University of Nebraska Press, 1963)

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