Near Kenesaw Mountain, GA., July 1, 1864.Special Field Orders, No. 56
IV. The Fourteenth and Fifteenth Illinois Infantry Volunteers not being veteran regiments, having re-enlisted less than three-fourths of their number, the veterans and all recruits of each, who have joined the regiment since the date of its original muster-in, will, in accordance with provisions of Circular No. 36, War Department, A. G. O., May 2, 1864, be consolidated and organizaed into as many companies of the legal maximum standard as the number of men will allow.
The proper number of officers for these companies will be selected from the veterans, and reported to these headquarters for assignment; and all officers in excess of such organization will be reported for muster-out of the service.
The companies thus organized and remaining men of each regiment will then be consolidated, and will be known and reported as the Veteran Battalion of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Illinois Infantry.
The requisite number of field and staff officers will be retained in accordance with existing orders.
By order of Major General James B. McPherson.
Near Decatur, GA., July 20, 1864.Special Field Orders, No. 73
The Fourteenth and Fifteenth Regiment Illinois Infantry Volunteers, having in accordance with special field orders No. 56, from these headquarters, been organized each into one or more companies of the legal maximum standard and consolidated together, making six (6) companies, designated and reported as the Veteran Battalion of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Illinois Infantry Volunteers, the following named officers, according to provisions of Circular No. 36, War Department, current series, are assigned to the new organization, and will be mustered under their present commissions:
- First Lieutenant Alonzo Gillespie, 14th Illinois Infantry to Company A
- Second Lieutenant David S. Finney, 14th Illinois Infantry to Company A
- Captain Lemuel O. Gilman, 15th Illinois Infantry to Company B
- First Lieutenant Joseph Develin, 15th Illinois Infantry to Company B
- Captain Phineas D. Kenyon, 15th Illinois Infantry to Company C
- First Lieutenant George A. Austin, 15th Illinois Infantry to Comany C
- Captain Carlos C. Cox, 14th Illinois Infantry to Company D
- Second Lieutenant John H. Henderson, 14th Illinois Infantry to Company D
- Captain John W. Luke, 15th Illinois Infantry to Company E
- First Lieutenant Allen T. Barnes, 15th Illinois Infantry to Company E
- First Lieutenant Thomas A. Weisner, 14th Illinois Infantry to Company F
- Chaplain B. F. Rogers, 15th Illinois Infantry
- Assistant Surgeon N. F. Chafer, 14th Illinois Infantry
- Assitant Surgeon Moses C. Drake, 15th Illinois Infantry
The remaining officers of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Illinois Infantry, not herein assigned, will be mustered out of the service.
By order of Major General James B. McPherson.
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